Appreciating Bitterly Serious Business People

I know that I have written fringe elements about those who keep business, commerce, finance, government and education humming along.  I have often thought about changing the overall structure.  I have yelled, complained, ranted and been a miserable son of a bitch over the years understanding these people who have little capacity for happiness, humor or laughter.  I used to think my god what type of existence is this?  And I have realized that it is none of my business whatsoever.

Bitterly Serious Business People exist simply for my pleasure to poke fun at.  They create contrast and comparison for market openings and business opportunities they cannot see.

My endeavor is to meet and speak to as many bitterly serious business people as possible not to change them but to understand them and then make fun of them.  I intend to deeply understand their levels of hubris and arrogance.  As they think they are too powerful to fail or make errors.  This is good!  They often believe they are not human, they do not sweat or bleed or need food or water.  Because they are bitterly serious they have risen above simple physiological needs.

There is a lot of work to do with the bitterly serious.

An EQ Storybook for the Bitterly Serious LOL


AI Consultant and Trainer

aka Job Agent

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